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国際会議[2011年度] に属する文献一覧 (8件)
- リンク Kita, T., Nemoto, J., Matsuba, R., Honma, R., Kitamura, S. & Suzuki, K. (November, 2011)Weekly luncheon open webinar series for various topics in e-learning and education.AROOC2011(Meiji University):Paper No.13 (Meiji University Informatics vol.5 No.1:61-66)
- Hiroshi Nakano.Program Committee, INFORMATICS’2011 (International Scientific Conference on Informatics)(November 16-18, 2011, Rožňava, Slovakia) .
- リンク Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Unaka, K., Takahashi, A. & Yoshida, A. (November, 2011) Example open courses of Graduate School of Instructional Systems in Kumamoto University. AROOC2011(Meiji University):Paper No.16 (Meiji University Informatics vol.5 No.1:79-82)
- Hiroshi Nakano.Program Committee, ICETA2011 (Information and Communication Technologies in Learning)(October 27–28, 2011, Stará Lesná, The High Tatras, Slovakia).
- リンク Kai, A., Nemoto, J. & Matsuba, R. (August,2011) Designing a Japanese Language Learning System that Recommends Materials Depending on Learner’s Interests and Learning Stages. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.14)
- リンク Nemoto, J. & Suzuki, K.(August, 2011) Evaluation of an Online Orientation Course for Online Graduate Students. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.63)
- リンク Suzuki, K. & Nemoto, J. (August,2011) A Framework for Institutional Design for e-Learning Promotion: A case of the University of South Pacific. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.52)
- リンク Suzuki, K. (2011). Enhancing teaching practices for primary education by child centered approach. A Keynote Address presented at 2011 Joint Seminar on Enhancement of teaching practices for Primary School, jointly organized by JICA Project for Strengthening the Child Centered Approach (Phase 2) and Pyinnya Tazaung Association, August 13-14, 2011, Yangon, Myanmar