Amano, K., & Hiraoka, N(2022.8)P2P Digital Badge for Building a Learning Community.ICoME 2022(International Conference for Media in Education)
Goda, Y., Arame, M., Handa, J., Toda, M., Itoh, M., & Kitazaki, S(2022.8)Cultivating Road User Safety Attitudes to Differing Levels of
Vehicle Automation: An Online Collaborative Learning Approach.ICoME 2022(International Conference for Media in Education)
Suzuki, K., Kita, T., Hiraoka, N., & Yamashita, A(2022.8)Course Design Tips for University of Tomorrow.Proceedings of ICoME2022, 325-328
Kubota, S.I(2022.3)Challenges for Predicting Learners of Procrastination Behavior Using LMS Data in Asynchronous Online Learning.INTED2022 Proceedings ,5560
Ichimura, Y., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K(2021.8)10 Dimensions Model for Quality MOOC Design.ICoME 2021(International Conference for Media in Education),
Cutting, M., Goda, Y., & Suzuki, K(2021.8)Evaluating Impact of Pre-Departure Training on Study Abroad Outcomes by Adapting Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Framework.ICoME 2021(International Conference for Media in Education),
Peter, W. Roux., Suzuki, K., Matsuba, R., & Goda, Y.(2020.8)Developing cultural intelligence (CQ) in blended environments: Understanding and assessing experiential learning methods.ICoME 2020(International Conference for Media in Education),301-308
Ichimura, Y.,Nakano, H.,& Suzuki, K.(2020.8)Support Design for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Learners -Voices from the Freshman MOOC Learners-.ICoME 2020(International Conference for Media in Education),384-390
Cutting, M., Goda, Y., & Suzuki, K.(2020.8)ePortfolios for Study Abroad Assessment and Improvement: Monitoring Students’ Use of a Target Skill While Abroad.ICoME 2020(International Conference for Media in Education),346-353
Kita, T., Nagaoka, C., Hiraoka, N., & Dougiamas, M. (2019.10)Implementation of Voice User Interfaces to Enhance Users’ Activities on Moodle.2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT), Bangkok, Thailand,104-107
Suzuki, K. (2019.8)Basic principles of the instructional design for adult education (Invited Special Keynote Lecture).Instructional Design Seminar for Local Governance Trainers and Adult Training Experts in Nepal August 19, 2019,Local Development Training Academy, Nepal
Peter, W. Roux., Suzuki, K., Matsuba, R., & Goda, Y.(2019.7) [Young Researcher Award] Experiential learning in blended environments: Exploring activities that develop Cultural Intelligence (CQ).A paper presented at International Conference for Media in Education (ICOME) 2019, China Capital Market Institute,Shenzhen, China (Proceedings of ICOME2019),361-370
Suzuki, K., Ito, T., & Kitazume, A.(2019.7)Output-centered training design: A JICA project at Ethiopian Water Technology Institute.A paper presented at International Conference for Media in Education (ICOME) 2019,China Capital Market Institute,Shenzhen, China (Proceedings of ICOME2019), 236-241
Ichimura, Y., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K.(2018.8)Self-Assessment of Cognitive Development in the Japanese University Students: Using Perry's Developmental Model.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
Amano, K., Kita, T., Tsuzuku, S., Suzuki, K., & Hiraoka, N.(2018.8)How Did Learners Use Digital Badge as a Reflection Tool after Completion of Educational Program?.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
Peter, W. Roux., Suzuki, K., Matsuba R., & Goda, Y.(2018.8)Instructional Design for Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Lessons from Blended Learning.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
Suzuki, K., & Mima, N.(2018.8)Design your own Learning to Become “an Adult”: A New Book for College Students to Master Instructional Design.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
Kita, T., Nagaoka, C., Hiraoka, N., Suzuki, K., & Martin Dougiamas.
(2018.3)A Discussion on Effective Implementation and Prototyping of Voice User Interfaces for Learning Activities on Moodle,In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU,398-404
Gillet D., Rodríguez-Triana M.J., Holzer A., Vozniuk A., Farah J.C. & Matsuba R.(2017, November)Beyond ePortfolios - Creating, Exploiting, and Archiving Activities, Learning Outcomes,and Learning Analytics as Personal Shareable Online Spaces -. A paper presented at 7thWorld Engineering Education Forum 2017 (WEEF2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Usuzaki S., Arikawa Y., Yamaba H., Aburada K., Kubota S., Park M. & Okazaki.N (2017, August)Highly Responsive Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Detection by Using Real-Time Burst Detection Method. A paper presented at The 20th International Conference on Network Based Information Systems(NBiS2017), Toronto, Canada.
Tende I.G., Kubota S., Aburada K. & Okazaki N.(2017, August)Evaluation and Improvement of Farmers Market Information System to Connect with Some Social Stakeholders. A paper presented at The 20th International Conference on Network Based Information Systems(NBiS2017), Toronto, Canada.
Peter, W. Roux. & Suzuki, K.(2017.8)Designing Online Instruction of Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Intercultural Journeys in a Blended Learning Environment.A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
This study reports on the implementation of an intercultural learning experience as part of a university course at a Japanese university. Aimed at the development of cultural intelligence (CQ), the course utilized instructional design (ID) theory and experiential learning in a blended learning environment. Students participated in a 15-week intercultural communication course that involved an online exchange with international counterparts, an in-class workshop with students in a study-abroad program, lectures, topical readings and media. Measures of cultural intelligence (CQ) and students’ learning preferences were obtained prior to the course and repeated upon course completion. Preliminary results from these measures, reflections on course design and materials, as well as student reflection and feedback are reported here with a view to continued course refinement. Suggestions and implications for enhancing cultural awareness in the design of instructional systems are discussed against the backdrop of increasing learner diversity in online environments.
Suzuki, K., Ichimura, Y., & Peter, W. Roux.(2017.8)What should we teach in higher education for MOOC era? Taxonomies as design guide.A paper presented at ICoME 2017(International Conference on Media in Education), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
If the knowledge that has been taught in colleges would be available for free with MOOC and search engines, what should we teach then? This paper refers taxonomies as a guide to design college curriculum beyond knowledge, including Bloom's, Gagne's, Reigeluth's, and Perry's models. It argues that more knowledge should not be the goal of higher education, nor generic 21st century skills; commitment to an area of study and love of learning together should be.
Ichimura, Y. & Suzuki, K.(2017.8)Deconstructing Design of MOOCs: Using 10 Dimensions Model.A paper presented at ICoME 2017(International Conference on Media in Education), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been evolving since the first launch of the course. It appears that the new forms of courses have emerged endlessly. New technological development is not the only actors of the evolution, but the researchers and instructors’ exploration in this unique online pedagogy is. In search of understanding varieties of MOOCs, some previous researchers used taxonomy and classified MOOCs. However, our previous research suggested that taxonomy itself did not address the complex design combinations and choices in details.
From our review of the past related research in MOOCs and their course design, we have proposed 10 Dimensions Model (Ichimura & Suzuki, 2016) that comprehensively covers the elements consist of MOOCs. By using this model, this proposed study analyzed the existing MOOCs, such as courses provided by the Japanese MOOC organizers, JMOOC, a connectivism MOOC (cMOOC), and Coursera MOOCs. Different design types of these MOOCs from multiple countries are deconstructed in detail. For example, their general structure, pedagogy, communication method, assessment and technology use are examined in this case study. The analysis process is still underway. The result will report the contrast of the design options in each dimension and the descriptions of interrelations of the dimensions discovered in the examined courses. Accordingly, as the final products pulling together the deconstructed design dimensions, the current study will report the overall picture experienced in each MOOCs.
Amano, K., Suzuki, K., Tsuzuku., S., & Hiraoka, N.(2017.8)Three Stage Design of a Question Making Activity for a Preparation in a Blended Training Program.A paper presented at ICoME 2017(International Conference on Media in Education), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
This paper describes a design and improvement plan of question activities by learners in a prior e-learning of a blended training program, "Introductory Class of Instructional Design (ID)". The purpose of the making questions activities was to make participants organize their understanding by themselves and clarify questions about ID. These questions were answered by lecturer at the beginning of face-to-face workshop in order to adjust participants' readiness. And, we also aimed at making realize participants their growth to themselves by comparing questions between before and after prior e-learning. These activities were introduced to training program in 2016, which 204 participants attended. Participants’ reactions to the prior e-learning were positive with some implications for improvement of the design of making questions activities. And it was found that participant's question trends were similar. Based on these findings, we proposed improvement plan of making questions activities sequenced in three phases; organizing their understanding and clarifying questions in prior e-learning (reflection phase), browsing Q&A database exchanged in past training program (reference phase), answering whether or not their questions are resolved (expression phase).
Inoue, K., Nakashima, H., Otsuka, K., & Suzuki, K. (2017) Development and practical use of the e-Learning system to support the students learn the fieldwork in the local community. A paper presented at ICoME 2017(International Conference on Media in Education), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Matsuba R., Hiraoka N., Kubota S., Makoto M., & Suzuki Y.(2017, June)An Approach for Building a Learning Style with ePortfolios. A paper presented at World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (EdMedia 2017), Washington DC, USA.
Kita, T.& Nagaoka, C. (2016, August)2dc - A Web-based 2-dimensional Student Response System for Real-time Feedback in Classrooms. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 473-477)
Peter, W. Roux. & Suzuki, K. (2016, August)Designing Instruction for developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Online: Preliminary explorations into experiential, intercultural classroom learning
. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 422-427)
Amano, K., Suzuki, K., Tsuzuku, S., & Hiraoka, N. (2016, August)Designing a Digital Badge as a Reflection Tool for an Instructional Design Workshop. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 536-541)
Ichimura, Y. & Suzuki, K. (2016, August)Dimensions of MOOCs for quality Design: Analysis and Syntesis of the LIterature. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 174-179)
Nakajima, K., Nagaoka, C., Hiraoka, N. & Kita, T. (2016, August)Design and Development of an e-learning Course for University Faculty Referring to the Instructional Design Models Aimed to Facilitate Learners' Learning and Motivation. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 321-326)
Nakamichi, M., Nemoto, J., Kita, T., Nakano, H. & Suzuki, K. (2016, August)A case study of university-wide effects of e-learning promotion activities. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 158-163)
Watanabe, H., Suzuki, K., Toda, M. & Goda, Y. (2016, August)Practice and Effect of Training on Specialized Content Knowledge to Assure the Quality of Student Tutors. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 661-664)
Nemoto, J., Takahashi, A., Takeoka, A., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K. (2016, August)Design and Evaluation of “Portfolio Practice I,”a Course for Online Graduate Students. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 130-135)
Nagaoka, C., Kita, T., Hiraoka, N., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K. (2016, August)Design of a Training Seminar Focusing on Communication Using Information Sharing Tool “SharedPanel”. A paper presented at ICoME 2016 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan. (Proceedings, 20-24)
Suzuki, K. (2016, April)Incorporating Instructional Design Theory into an Online Graduate Program at Kumamoto University, Japan. An Asia & Australia Regional Keynote (Invited) at 21st TCC Online Conference, E-Learning: The More We Get Together, April 19-21, 2016, organized by TCCHawaii.org, [Available as online recording] http://2016.tcconlineconference.org/regional-speakers/#Region2
This regional session describes the Graduate School of Instructional Systems initiative to stay current by practicing what they preach: Utilize the newest research in teaching and learning. In their online program in instructional design and technology, students aspire to be e-learning specialists. Therefore, the newest trends are necessarily incorporated into what and how the subjects are taught.
An extensive effort has been made to transition the master’s program by applying a story-centered curriculum (SCC), an extension of Shank’s goal-based scenarios. This presentation describes details of how two lines of stories were developed, one in a corporate setting and another in a university setting, to prepare graduates in the two working contexts from the start. It was accomplished by a conversion of coursework, taking multiple courses lesson by lesson, to complete work orders from “the boss” every week. Impacts and implications will be discussed.
Suzuki, K.(2016.1)第4回医療教授システム国際シンポジウム(指定討論者)、ハワイ大学医学部.
Miyazaki, M.(2015.11)A proposal for technique to use common terms among multiple systems - Common translation memory by Mahara, Moodle and Sakai CLE.Mahara Hui UK 2015, UK,
Suzuki, K. (2015.11)Educational Technology and Instructional Design in Japan: Preparing Students for New Career Opportunities.In R. A. Reiser (Chair), Presidential session: Educational Technology and Instructional Design in East Asia: New Academic Programs and New Career Opportunities. A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
Kidwai, K., Suzuki, K., & Baudoin, M. (2015.11)Mobile App Designed to Enhance Access to and Application of a Set of Online Learner Competencies: A project of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi®). A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
Suzuki, K.(2015.11)Special Interest Groups of Japan Society for Educational Technology.Affiliate Session of JSET, A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
Hori, M., Ono, S., Kobayashi, S., Yamaji, K., Kita, T., & Yamada, T.(2015.10)CHiLO:Using an e-textbook to create an ad-hoc m-learning environment.2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings,851-858
R. Matsuba, Y. Suzuki, S-I. Kubota, M. Miyazak(2015.10)A Study Toward For Efficient Implementation of Collaborative Learning Activities, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland.
Kita Toshihiro(2015.10)System configuration for an audience-driven piece including sonification and visualization of audience's operations, The 3rd International Csound Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia) .
Toshihiro Kita(2015.9) Web technology based pieces driven by operation data transmitted from audience's smartphones, EMSAN/JSSA Day 2015 symposium.
Suzuki, K.(2015.8)Discovering New in Educational Media Study by Taking Lessons from the Past. Conference Speech A (Invited), ICoME2015 (International Conference for Media in Education), Northeast Normal University, China.
Discovering New in Educational Media Study by Taking Lessons from the Past
Katsuaki Suzuki, Ph.D
Professor and Chair, Graduate School of Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan
President, Japan Society for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS)
This paper discusses how we can learn lessons from the past when we engage in research and practices involving educational media. As it made clear in Grabowski's keynote at ICOME 2008, held in Kumamoto, Japan, we have experienced three distinctive periods of educational media: Presentation, Interaction, and Social, roughly related to behavioral, cognitive, and constructive psychology, respectively. Meanwhile, the same challenges seem to be interfering our effort to make major impact on educational practices, despite of high expectations of "new" media of the day. In order to improve our ability to make contributions for better education, we must know how to learn from the past, not making the same mistakes over and over again. This paper looks back three years of his Presidency to find out the value of the Archiving Project that has made all the past journal papers of JAEMS, from 1966, open to public as a means for discovering new from the past.
Suzuki, K. & Nemoto, J.(2015.8)Is Design-based Research desirable and feasible methodology for educational media and technology? (Refreed concurrent session paper),ICoME2015 (International Conference for Media in Education), Northeast Normal University, China.
S-I. Kubota, R. Matsuba, N. Hiraoka, M. Miyazaki, Y. Suzuki(2015.7)Addressing to Create a Questionnaire for Measuring Portfolio Learning Skills Based on the ePortfolio Literacy Rubric,Proceedings of 4th Association for Authentic Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning, MA, USA.
M. Miyazaki, R. Matsuba, S-I. Kubota, N. Hiraoka(2015.7)A proposal for a Course Improvement Cycle Model based on Self-Assessment Using Rubric,Proceedings of The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
Hori, M., Ono, S., Yamaji, K., Kobayashi, S., Kita, T., & Yamada, T.(2015.5)A New Learning Platform using E-textbooks for Socially Networked Online Learners.7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2015),
Nakano, H. (2014.12.4-5). Programme Commitee of the 12th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA2014), Dec. 4-5, 2014, Starý Smokovec, The High Tatras, Slovakia..
Hori, M., Ono, S., Kobayashi, S., Yamaji, K., & Kita, T.(2014.12)CHiLOs: A New Virtual Learning Environment for Large Scale Online Courses.Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2014)Short Paper,39:505-510
Matsuba, R.(2014.3) International Scientific Advisory Board.INTED2014 (8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia Spain),
Tsubakimoto, M., Watanabe, Y., Yokoyama, M., Otsuka, H., Nemoto, J., Suzuki, K., & Mima, N. (2014). Establishing a Learning Support Organization Centered on College Students and Practical Use of a Teaching and Learning e-Portfolio for Tutors. A paper presented at the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE 2014), Jan. 5-8, 2014
Hori, M., Ono, S., Kobayashi, S., Yamaji, K., & Kita, T.(2013.11)Peer-to-peer Learning on Large Scale Online Courses: Focusing on Lurkers.Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Suzuki, K. (2013). University faculty development in Japanese context. An invited keynote address at the International Conference on Faculty/Educational Development 2013, October 30-November 1, 2013, Qingdao, China.
This paper describes trends and issues of university faculty development (FD) in Japan. In
rder to assure quality of university education, the Japanese government made FD a required
activity in all higher education institutions in 2008. The most frequent FD activities include
student questionnaire to evaluate university courses,
observations of
among faculty
members with
a discussion session
and seminars and workshops on various active learning
methodologies. As we go into universalization of higher education, more systematic effort has
less qualified universi
ty students, while maintaining a high
standard as the diploma policy for graduation. Learning technology must be integrated into
university education, as well as open resources that the network technology have made
available for students, in order to impro
ve and maintain the quality of our university education.
An ICT utilization model will be proposed to
roles of e
learning and e
systems to create a university with ap
emphasis over basic knowledge
Keywords: f
aculty development, learning technology, e
learning, e
portfolio, Japan
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Takeoka, A., Takahashi, A., & Shibata, Y. (2013.8.10). Sequencing Collaborative Activities in an Online Graduate Program. A paper presented at ICoME 2013 (International Conference on Media in Education), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan.
This paper describes a successive group work sequencing in an online graduate
program. Various
work methods have been intentionally introduced in multiple
courses under a Story
centered Curriculum in order
for the students to become gradually
accustomed to collaborative online activities that increase levels of complexity and intensity. It
discussed the factors of group activities that determine complexity and difficulty levels
include the size of a
group, nature of submission of the group work (as a group or by
individuals), visibility of others
work in progress with the use of different tools available, and
making peer comments option or requirement, among others. S
tudents' reactions to the
orative activities in the online learning environment
have been positive, with some
implications for improvement of the design of collaborative activities in the future
. A set of
design principles
is called for in the future research
to guide
of online group activities
of others, and to refine our own practice.
equencing, group work,
collaboration, visibility,
online graduate school
Nakajima, K., Watanabe, A., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K. (2013.8.10). Verification of the Practical Uses of the ARCS-V Model. A paper presented at ICoME 2013 (International Conference on Media in Education), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan.
Noda, K., Goda, Y., Watanabe, A., & Suzuki, K. (2013.8.10). How to Motivate Student Learning Support Staff to Work in Creative and Proactive Ways. A paper presented at ICoME 2013 (International Conference on Media in Education), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan.
Nemoto, J., Takeoka, A., Takahashi, A., Shibata, Y., & Suzuki, K. (2013.8)Design of Learning Environment for a Story-centered Curriculum.A paper presented at ICoME 2013 (International Conference on Media in Education), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Oikawa, Y., Nakajima, K., Matsuba, Y., Suzuki, K., Kita, T., & Nakano, H. (2013.8.9). Designing a Blended Undergraduate General Chemistry Course Using the ARCS Model. A paper presented at ICoME 2013 (International Conference on Media in Education), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan.
Matsuba, R., Kubota, S., Nemoto, J., Watanabe, A., Homma, R. (2013.7.29-8.1) Implementation of Evidence Based FYE Courses in a University of Japan, A paper presented at The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning Annual ePortfolio Conference, Boston, USA.
Matsuba, R., Nemoto, J., Watanabe, A., Kubota, S., Homma, R. (2013.7.1-3) A practice of an evidence based first year experience in a Japanese university, A paper presented at 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
Suzuki, K. Program Committee Member, CSEDU2013, 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 6-8 May, 2013 Aachen, Germany.
Suzuki, K. and Nemoto, J. (August, 2012) Cultural and Social Frameworks of Instructional Design. A paper presented at ICoME 2012 (International Conference on Media in Education), Beijing, China.
This paper reports a review of cultural and social
frameworks of instructional design. Due to the
internationalization of online learning, considerat
ion of cultural and social differences among
students and between providers and recipients has b
ecome a greater issue for the program to be
successful. As a part of results in a two-year stud
y under Grants-in-Aid for scientific research
(22650206) of MEXT, Japan, this paper will report o
n current trends in instructional design to
deal with the cultural and social issues. The paper
includes such frameworks as Cultural
Dimension of Learning Framework (CDLF) and IAMC (In
clusion, Attitude, Meaning,
Competence) Model. It also includes results of seve
ral studies of internationally active
instructional designers, of a university with predo
minantly international students, and of
technology assisted culturally responsive teaching.
Issues to be
considered in designing multi-
cultural provision of education are discussed.
Oikawa, Y., Matsuba, R., Kita, T., Suzuki, K. and Nakano, H., (August, 2012) Development of a Similar Question Generator to Support Peer Teaching. A paper presented at ICoME 2012 (International Conference on Media in Education), Beijing, China.
We developed a similar question generator and introduced it in
general chemistry classes
found that the exercises using the
similar questions activated pe
teachings effectively in
face general chemistry classes.
Peer teaching is one of the useful teaching techniques based
on the social constructivism
and should be applied to the exercises
. For a purpose of supporting
the exercise, we developed
milar question generator
can produce a set of similar
questions from an XML description file including definitions of variables, calculation formula
of correct / incorrect answers and choices. For evaluation of the generator, we plugged it into
our L
MS and utilized the LMS in three general chemistry classes. From the analysis result of
the recorded data, in comparison to the control group, the exercise with similar questions
activated more peer teaching
than the exercise with the same questions for a
ll students. In term
examinations, the
score of questions related to the exercises
using the similar questions
than ones using the same questions
with a significant difference. According to a
questionnaire, the exercise with similar questions was
viewed favorably by 82% of responded
students especially middle
and low
grade students.
Nakamichi, M., Sato, S. and Suzuki, K. (August, 2012) Promotion of University-wide E-learning as Part of Faculty Development Activities. A paper presented at ICoME 2012 (International Conference on Media in Education), Beijing, China.
This paper, through analysis and discussion based on questionnaires and interview surveys,
aims to examine the effects of
promotion of university-wide e-
learning as part of Faculty
Development (FD) activities. Specifically, it divi
des the process of e-learning promotion into
three (3) stages of “introduction,” “diffusion”
and “establishment” and introduces unique efforts
at each stage. By discussing consciousness re
form of faculty members observed in their
interview responses and other materials as a result of abovementioned efforts, the study reports
on successful cases to show that the promotion of e-learning can serve as a factor to facilitate
FD activities.
Nakajima, K., Nakano, H., Watanabe, A., & Suzuki, K. (August, 2012) Research for Proposing the Sub-classification of the Volitional Element for ARCS-V Model. A paper presented at ICoME 2012 (International Conference on Media in Education), Beijing, China.
In this paper, the authors discuss the significance
of proposing the subcategories of the
volitional elements for the ARCS-V model which has
been expanded from the ARCS model by
John M. Keller recently. There are some steps for m
otivating learners. One earlier step is to
make learners form intention to implement for a goa
l, and the next is to have them keep their
volition until they reach the goal. Three categorie
s for each element of Attention, Relevance,
Confidence and Satisfaction which provides some hin
ts for instructors and learners have been
identified in the ARCS model, but any particular ca
tegory for the volitional element has not
been identified yet according to the authors’ resea
rch while Keller pointed out that
‘commitment’ and ‘action control’ will be the key f
actors for the volitional phase of learning.
Refer to these points, volition-related researches
are reviewed. One of these is Kuhl’s ‘action
control theory’ that he discussed about ‘motivation
’, ‘action control’, and ‘performance control’
to try to explain and predict human action. All thr
ough these research reviews, the authors pick
up some keywords to classify categories for volitio
nal element of the ARCS-V model and then
attempt to outline practical hints which instructor
s and learners can use. The proposal and the
hints for volitional elements are going to be descr
ibed as practical as possible, so that it allows
instructors and learners to use the hints easily an
d they will come close to meet successful
outcomes. The authors discuss if the proposal can b
e one of resources to make the ARCS-V
model more persuasive in the volitional phase at le
arning. The implications of the findings at
the proposal are also discussed. It is our hope to
contribute to the ARCS-V model research and
all the classrooms where there are motivational pro
blems to be solved.
Matsuba,R., Kubota,S., Miyazaki,M., Nemoto,J., Kita,T., Suzuki,K., Nakano,H.(July,2012) An Implementation of a learning portfolio. ePIC 2012(the 10th ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London), Paper No.133
(2012.4)Suzuki, K. Program Committee Member, CSEDU2012, 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 16-18 April, 2012 Porto, Portugal.
Kita, T., Nemoto, J., Matsuba, R., Honma, R., Kitamura, S. & Suzuki, K. (November, 2011)Weekly luncheon open webinar series for various topics in e-learning and education.AROOC2011(Meiji University):Paper No.13 (Meiji University Informatics vol.5 No.1:61-66)
Hiroshi Nakano.Program Committee, INFORMATICS’2011 (International Scientific Conference on Informatics)(November 16-18, 2011, Rožňava, Slovakia) .
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Unaka, K., Takahashi, A. & Yoshida, A. (November, 2011) Example open courses of Graduate School of Instructional Systems in Kumamoto University. AROOC2011(Meiji University):Paper No.16 (Meiji University Informatics vol.5 No.1:79-82)
This paper describes a case of open courses provide
d by an online graduate school that
the authors of this paper belong. Currently there a
re three courses offered as open
courses, two of which are in both English and Japan
ese. The English version of the third
course is now under preparation. The intents of ope
ning these courses are different: (a)
opening for the publicity’s sake, (b) providing sel
f-study opportunity for incoming
students prior to the start of the graduate program
, and (c) archiving an older version of
a course. Benefits of online programs to provide op
en courses and future directions are
Hiroshi Nakano.Program Committee, ICETA2011 (Information and Communication Technologies in Learning)(October 27–28, 2011, Stará Lesná, The High Tatras, Slovakia).
Kai, A., Nemoto, J. & Matsuba, R. (August,2011) Designing a Japanese Language Learning System that Recommends Materials Depending on Learner’s Interests and Learning Stages. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.14)
developed a recommendation system of Japanese language learning materials for learners
with relatively light motivation. The main features of this system are
adequate recommendation of language contact situations
A formative evaluation
suggested that learners are
able to learn Japanese
with this system
, but the
validity of
recommendation and
clearness of system
must be
Nemoto, J. & Suzuki, K.(August, 2011) Evaluation of an Online Orientation Course for Online Graduate Students. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.63)
In this paper, we present the
result of our trial to develop and deliver an online orientation
course to bring the target
incoming graduate
on board
the new learning environment
We designed an orientation course
focus on the three main
factors that relate to their
: IT,
and p
. We conducted the orientation course for several years in
succession and
improved our design.
o see how students
the learning experience
this study,
we created
questionnaire that include
the three
we embedded in the
orientation course and
individual qual
advocated by Parrish
results were
positive, and we found
to improve the orientation course
Individual Qualities
Suzuki, K. & Nemoto, J. (August,2011) A Framework for Institutional Design for e-Learning Promotion: A case of the University of South Pacific. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.52)
This is a r
eport of the workshop conducted at the University of South Pacific in Fiji, by the
authors of this paper, in which an institutional framework was proposed for promoting e
Learning by a university
wide center for distance and flexible learning. The authors
invited by a government supported project for information and communication techn
implementation by Japan
International Corporation Agency
, as
second visit to the target
institution. The aim was to strengthen the capacities of staff working a
t the distance and flexible
center. The authors conducted a series of interviews to groups of staff serving different
functions, from management, student support, senior designers of instructional materials,
educational technologists, and production assist
. A series of workshops were then designed
and conducted based on the interview results, with a help of e
Learning platform. The
workshops were aimed at both staff of the center and faculty members of various colleges, to
discuss future visions and act
ion plans to promote e
Learning in that institute. A framework
institutional promotion w
proposed to direct future activities of the center by incorporating all
the results from the interviews and workshops. The rationales and visions
explained a
s to
how the center should structure its activities to serve as the pivot organization within the
university to better serve the leadership function for promoting
better educational provision
by the systematic utilization of e
Learning infrastructure.
workshop design, institutional strategies, e
Learning, university,
Suzuki, K. (2011). Enhancing teaching practices for primary education by child centered approach. A Keynote Address presented at 2011 Joint Seminar on Enhancement of teaching practices for Primary School, jointly organized by JICA Project for Strengthening the Child Centered Approach (Phase 2) and Pyinnya Tazaung Association, August 13-14, 2011, Yangon, Myanmar
Suzuki, K. (2011, March) Quality Assurance of an Online Graduate Program in Japan: A case of Kumamoto University’s Graduate School of Instructional Systems. A paper presented at Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011, Melbourne, Australia, organized by Association for the Advancement in Computing in Education (AACE).
Abstract: This paper describes quality assurance mechanism for higher education in
Japan with a case of an online graduate school. Three fold framework of the standard
for establishing university, establishment-approval system (EAS), and the quality
assurance and accreditation system is first explained. Then the case is described from
the perspectives of going through the EAS, outside evaluation requirement based on
self-evaluation report, built-in checking mechanism with faculty development function,
course design policy and course implementation policy, competency-based approach
for validity of the graduates, story-based enhancement for skill integration and
applicability, and initial student orientation for skill and mindset building.
Soyama-Gobayashi, K., Nemoto, J., Suzuki, K. (Dec. 2010). An analysis of CSCL at an online graduate school. A poster presented at the 8th Kumamoto University Forum, Hanoi, Vietnam.
The research analyzed the group work of students in an e-learning course "Instructional Design 1" at an online graduate school and examined how to implement CSCL effectively.
Kitamura, T., Tanaka, M., Hoshino, S., Nemoto, J., Watanabe A., & Suzuki, K. (Dec. 2010). Offering a Story- Centered Curriculum with SNS. A poster presented at the 8th Kumamoto University Forum, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Nakajima, K., Nakano, H., Ohmori, F., & Suzuki, K. (July, 2010). The effectiveness of ID based activities by e-learning support staff with a Website and a course material designed by an extended ARCS Model. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kumamoto, Japan. 295-302
Kato., Suzuki, K ., (July, 2010). An approach for Redesigning Learning Environments with Flow Theory. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kumamoto, Japan. 281-288
: This paper proposes a framework that teachers and courseware designers will be able
to utilize flow theory into their own teaching and learning settings, even if they have less
knowledge about flow. There have been a number
of researches about flow theory, including
educational topics. Flow theory can be one of
the powerful approaches to enhance motivational
design for teachers and instructional designers. The matrix-based approach is proposed for
covering more people to use this flow-bas
ed redesign framework, including introductory
courseware of flow theory and checklists of comp
atibility with it, as well as sharing knowledge
and experience in an open community. Further st
udies for improving this framework itself are
also discussed
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Goda, Y., (July, 2010). Research Trends related to Keller"s ARCS Model: A Review of Literature in Japan. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education) , Kumamoto, Japan. 289-294
Takahashi, A., Kita, K., Nakano, H., Suzuki, K., (July,2010). Improvement of a Learning-Task Analysis Diagram Module for Moodle to Support Self-directed Learning by Enhancing Advising Feature to Learners. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kumamoto, Japan. 76-79
In our past study, we developed a Moodle plug-in enabling Learning-Task Analysis Diagrams Interface. We have developed two types of User Interfaces (UI), one is for learners and the other is for teachers. The UI for learners displays Learning-Task Analysis Diagrams of the topics (learning items) in a Moodle course. Each topic is colored with a color corresponding to evaluation of the learning results. When learner clicks one topic, contents of the topic are displayed. The developed Moodle plug-in promotes self-directed learning by visually providing the learner progress information in the hierarchical structure. In this study, we added to advising feature on learner's UI. Advising feature is system-controlled, and displays the next selection item. The learner may accept advice or may disregard.
Aoki, T., (July, 2010). Influence that resolution of video image of portable terminal gives evaluator. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kumamoto, Japan. 427-430
I researched a influence that Resolution of video image of portable terminal gives evaluate person. The senior of martial arts saw the iage of a basic type, and evaluated the movement technology. It was examined whether the evaluation was different when the resolution was paid to attention in that case, and the resolution was changed and the same image was inspected. The senior of martial arts saw the image of a basic type, and evaluated the movement technology.It was examined whether the evaluation was different when the resolution was paid to attention in that case, and the resolution was changed and the same image was inspected. It was subjectively evaluated whether it seemed to be able to use the image to guide athletic skills by five stages. As a result, it has been understood that there are a lot of people who think that it can evaluate athletic skills by the resolution of 320*240.
Keywords: e-learning, psychomotor skill, resolution, mobile terminal, instructional design, martial arts, physics
Nemoto, J., Oyamada, M., Shibata, Y., Suzuki, K., (July, 2010). “Learning Sketch”: A Learning Reflection Activity Design. A paper presented at ICoME 2010 (International Conference on Media in Education), Kumamoto, Japan.206-213
In this study, we developed a tool, the Learning Sketch, for both students and instructors to recognize and confirm the student's ahievement, within a semester in a story-centered curriculum. Students see what and how they learned through each activity and then unify all compulsory courses activities into series of learning activities provided in a unique curriculum, namely, a story-centered curriculum (SCC). In this paper, we report the results of providing the Learning Sketch for students to use after 2 semesters: fall and spring. The Learning Sketch enabled students to have visible learning activities, because the tool presents a series of all activities conducted throughout the SCC. The comments in the Learning Sketch are unrestrained and all students expressed their feeling freely. At the presentation we will present the lessons learned.
Nemoto, J., Kubota, S., Migita, M., Matsuba, R., Kitamura, S., Kita, T. & Suzuki, K. (2010). Design of Authentic Learning: A Challenge in E-learning Specialist Graduate Program. In Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (pp. 1237-1242). AACE.
This paper describes the design of authentic learning by taking two courses in a graduate program in Instructional Systems that is a full-online program to raise the professional level of e-learning. The two courses described in this paper, i.e., E-learning Practicum I & II, are required paired courses that have been provided after several prerequisite courses; in these courses, to gain work experience as an instructional designer, it is important for the students to practice and apply their knowledge and skills they obtain in this program as they do their class activities. To enrich the context of learning, we employed a story and made the activities better to maintain consistency in the activities compared to before we used a story: then, introduce the lessons we learned from the practice.
Suzuki, K., Mima, N., & Yamauchi, Y. (2010). How can Teaching Practices of Higher Education be improved by ICT? An Ongoing MOE Comparative Research Project of Japan. In Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (pp. 657-660). AACE.
Suzuki, K. (Chair) (2010). Research Trends of Learning and Technology in Japan: A Critical Review of Two Journals by Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education (JSiSE). An Invited Panel of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (Proceedings, pp. 6-7). AACE.
Nemoto, J. & Suzuki, K. (March, 2010). A Design-Based Research in Improving an Online Graduate Program Using Story-Centered Curriculum. A paper presented at Educational Design Research: Local Change & Global Impact, The University of Georgia, U.S.
Mariko Taga,Toshihiro Kita,Shirou Kitamura,Ryuichi Matsuba>(August, 2009). Development of a Method Generating Criteria and Standards of Rubric for Problem-solving on VLEs-From Learner’s Products for the Assignment. A paper presented at ICoME(International Conference on Media in Education), Seoul National University, Korea. (Proceedings, 335-341)
We developed a rubric to enhance active learning on an on
line classroom of a graduate school. The analysis of the
learner’s products for assignment offers in
spection of criteria and standards for the self-assessment in the rubric. In the
present paper we show that a procedure to extract the crit
eria and standards for self-assessment based on outcomes of
their continuous learning activities and the effect of the self
-assessment with use of the rubric. It is found that the new
elements of the rubric checked the performance assessme
nt for problem-solving learning improve the quality of
learner's outcomes, especially documents, for assignments required in the course.
Keywords: problem-solving, virtual learning environment,
VLE, self-assessment, rubr
ic, self-regulated learning
Makoto Miyazaki,Makoto Oyamada,Junko Nemoto,Toshihiro Kita,Hiroshi Nakano,Katsuaki Suzuki(August, 2009).A Design Proposal of Competency-based ePortfolio System Utilizing Sakai OSP. A paper presented at ICoME(International Conference on Media in Education), Seoul National University, Korea. (Proceedings, 313-319)
We have developed a Web-based portfolio system on Sakai CLE for supporting the students in
the graduate school of instructional systems of
Kumamoto University. The system is currently under
operation mainly for the fresh students in the graduate
school. It is constructed of several default tools of
Sakai CLE to accumulate learning outcomes for the students. In this report, we propose a
competency-based ePortfolio system utilizing the Sakai OSP. This system manages evidences to link
learning outcomes with competency.
Junko Nemoto,Makoto Miyazaki,Kenji Inoue,Katsuaki Suzuki(August, 2009). Evaluation of a Web-based Support System for Material Analysis Based on Goal-based Scenarios. A paper presented at ICoME(International Conference on Media in Education), Seoul National University, Korea. (Proceedings, 307-312)
We report, in this presentation, the result of th
e evaluation of an instructional design support sys
based on Goal-based Scenarios (GBS) that we develop
ed. The concept of the system comes from the author
material analysis method in which educational pract
itioners reconsider improvements of existing educat
materials through instructional theory. The Web-bas
ed support system consists of three functions: a
self-assessment tool of the existing learning mater
ial, a GBS glossary, and a GBS sample gallery. The
enables the user to access the three functions free
ly and independently, according to the user’s needs
. We
conducted the evaluation in two phases: a cognitive
walkthrough test and formative evaluation for conf
irming the
clearness of the instruction and navigation of the
system, determining the percentage of questions ans
correctly when users analyzed material with an anal
ytical function in the system, and discovering the
between the use of the system and motivation about
instructional design. Given various comments and su
we improved the system to be used by novices. We wi
ll complete a small-group evaluation before the pre
and present the findings.
Masaki Nakamichi,Ryuichi Matsuba,Yoshihiro Ekawa,Fujio Ohmori,Katsuaki Suzuki(August, 2009). Promotion of University-Wide e-learning through Course Guidance VODs - A Case study at Nihon Fukushi University - A paper presented at ICoME(International Conference on Media in Education), Seoul National University, Korea. (Proceedings, 93-100)
At Nihon Fukushi University (NFU), on demand course guidance videos have been developed
and delivered to offer information about courses such as syllabus and learning goals before class
registration for recent two years.. Development of the VODs gives many positive effects for both students
and teachers. For the students, such advantages decrease the amount of classes dropped students because
students can obtain appropriate information and images about their entering class preliminarily. Meanwhile
for the teachers, their images about development of e-learning materials like anxiety and heavy
responsibility are decreased because all of the faculty members need to be involved to make the contents.
The development, in addition, provides educational improvements such as more reviewing of syllabi,
enlivening of faculty development activities and an increase of blended instruction courses applying
Information and Communications Technologies. We report the systematic approach for educational
improvements with development and delivery of the VODs and many educational benefits obtained by the
implementation in NFU. It is also shown that our approach has more advantages than that in other Japanese
higher education, e-learning, FD, learning contents, consciousness reform
Reiichiro Uno,Yuki Matsukura,Chad Reker,Katsuaki Suzuki(August, 2009). Design of Online English Learning Project for University Students using Story-Centered Curriculum. A paper presented at ICoME(International Conference on Media in Education), Seoul National University, Korea. (Proceedings, 47-54)
We have developed an online English learning program to be used as a survival kit for
university students, especially those who are interest
ed in studying abroad. The system we are using is
meant to aid learners in dealing with
problems and situations that naturally arise in a study abroad student's
daily life. This is done by using a story-centered approach, which gives the learner specific tasks to
complete, and links all the created missions through a comprehensive and sequential story. The format we
use is aimed at giving students easily managed chunks of
a unit to progress through each part of the story.
Each unit can be broken down into shorter segments. The goal and the objective of this content is not just
language learning in and of itself, but rather to use language to accomplish a real-life goal.
Key words:
Instructional Design, E-learning, Story-Centered Curriculum
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Oyamada, M., Miyazaki, M., & Shibata, Y. (2009) "Upgrading an online master"s degree program based on Story- centered Curriculum(SCC): A case study", Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2009, pp. 591-598
Nemoto, J., Miyazaki, M., Suzuki, K., & Abe, A. (2008.7[PDF]). The Design of a Web-based Support System for Material Design/Evaluation Based on Goal Based Scenarios. A paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2008, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria June 30 - July 4, 2008.
This paper describes a design process of a Web-ba
sed support system for material
design/evaluation based on the Goal-Based Scenarios
theory (GBS). The system is based on a
paper-based checklist developed by the first and th
ird authors; it is intended to support
designers/educators to develop or revise learning c
ontents using GBS, and includes four
elements: a self-assessment tool of the existing le
arning material, a GBS glossary, a GBS
sample gallery, and a development support tool. Thi
s paper focuses on a grand design of the
system and the first element, which is a self-asses
sment tool design.
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Jona, K., & Reiser, R(2008)「Transforming an Online Masters Degree Program using Story-Centered Curriculum」Association for Educational Communications and Technology Convention, November, 4-8, Orlando (27-I2)
Nemoto, J., Inoue, K., Miyazaki, M., & Suzuki, K.(2008) Development of a Web-based Support System for Material Analysis Based on Goal Based Scenarios, Paper presented at the 5th Asian Graduate School of Education Forum 2008, Tokyo
Nemoto, J., & Suzuki, K. (2007). Offering the same graduate level courses for residential and distance students: An observation at an instructional systems technology department in U.S.A. A paper presented at 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2007), July10-13, 2007, Kumamoto, JAPAN 11C4-4 (Paper No.130)
Suzuki, K. (2007[PDF]).Learner-centered Design in Higher Education by ICT with IDT. An invited keynote address presented at 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2007), July 10-13, 2007, Kumamoto, JAPAN
This keynote introduces current trends in the long-
lasting traditions of instructional design and
technology (IDT) and their applications to ICT-base
higher education. Learner-centered design has been
the key issue in reforming practices of higher
education. Such IDT theories and models as First
Principles of Instructional Design, Goal-based
Scenarios, and Layer Model for e-Learning Design
will be introduced, in reference to current practic
e of a
100% online master program for e-Learning
at Kumamoto University. Application
of IDT and transformation by ICT, not integration o
ICT, are argued to be our central focus.
Nemoto, J., Takahashi, A., & Suzuki, K. (2006, October[PDF]). Development of an instructional design checklist for e-Learning contents: A Japanese challenge in IT skill training. A paper presented at E-Learn 2006, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, healthcare, & Higher Educationducational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 13-17, 2006.
Nemoto, J., Hazelman, V., & Suzuki, K. (2005, June-July). Instructional design workshop based on needs analysis at University of South Pacific. A paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2005, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada, June 27- July 2, 2005.