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国際会議[2018年度] に属する文献一覧 (4件)
- リンク Ichimura, Y., Nakano, H., & Suzuki, K.(2018.8)Self-Assessment of Cognitive Development in the Japanese University Students: Using Perry's Developmental Model.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
- リンク Amano, K., Kita, T., Tsuzuku, S., Suzuki, K., & Hiraoka, N.(2018.8)How Did Learners Use Digital Badge as a Reflection Tool after Completion of Educational Program?.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
- リンク Peter, W. Roux., Suzuki, K., Matsuba R., & Goda, Y.(2018.8)Instructional Design for Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Lessons from Blended Learning.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,
- リンク Suzuki, K., & Mima, N.(2018.8)Design your own Learning to Become “an Adult”: A New Book for College Students to Master Instructional Design.Paper presented at ICOME2018, Chunbuk National University, South Korea.,