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国際会議[2015年度] に属する文献一覧 (14件)
- Suzuki, K.(2016.1)第4回医療教授システム国際シンポジウム(指定討論者)、ハワイ大学医学部.
- Miyazaki, M.(2015.11)A proposal for technique to use common terms among multiple systems - Common translation memory by Mahara, Moodle and Sakai CLE.Mahara Hui UK 2015, UK,
- Suzuki, K. (2015.11)Educational Technology and Instructional Design in Japan: Preparing Students for New Career Opportunities.In R. A. Reiser (Chair), Presidential session: Educational Technology and Instructional Design in East Asia: New Academic Programs and New Career Opportunities. A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
- Kidwai, K., Suzuki, K., & Baudoin, M. (2015.11)Mobile App Designed to Enhance Access to and Application of a Set of Online Learner Competencies: A project of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi®). A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
- Suzuki, K.(2015.11)Special Interest Groups of Japan Society for Educational Technology.Affiliate Session of JSET, A paper presented at 2015 International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, USA.
- リンク Hori, M., Ono, S., Kobayashi, S., Yamaji, K., Kita, T., & Yamada, T.(2015.10)CHiLO:Using an e-textbook to create an ad-hoc m-learning environment.2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings,851-858
- R. Matsuba, Y. Suzuki, S-I. Kubota, M. Miyazak(2015.10)A Study Toward For Efficient Implementation of Collaborative Learning Activities, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland.
- リンク Kita Toshihiro(2015.10)System configuration for an audience-driven piece including sonification and visualization of audience's operations, The 3rd International Csound Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia) .
- リンク リンク リンク Toshihiro Kita(2015.9) Web technology based pieces driven by operation data transmitted from audience's smartphones, EMSAN/JSSA Day 2015 symposium.
- Suzuki, K.(2015.8)Discovering New in Educational Media Study by Taking Lessons from the Past. Conference Speech A (Invited), ICoME2015 (International Conference for Media in Education), Northeast Normal University, China.
- リンク Suzuki, K. & Nemoto, J.(2015.8)Is Design-based Research desirable and feasible methodology for educational media and technology? (Refreed concurrent session paper),ICoME2015 (International Conference for Media in Education), Northeast Normal University, China.
- S-I. Kubota, R. Matsuba, N. Hiraoka, M. Miyazaki, Y. Suzuki(2015.7)Addressing to Create a Questionnaire for Measuring Portfolio Learning Skills Based on the ePortfolio Literacy Rubric,Proceedings of 4th Association for Authentic Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning, MA, USA.
- M. Miyazaki, R. Matsuba, S-I. Kubota, N. Hiraoka(2015.7)A proposal for a Course Improvement Cycle Model based on Self-Assessment Using Rubric,Proceedings of The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
- リンク Hori, M., Ono, S., Yamaji, K., Kobayashi, S., Kita, T., & Yamada, T.(2015.5)A New Learning Platform using E-textbooks for Socially Networked Online Learners.7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2015),