Paper to be presented at 1993 Annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education, November 22-25, Fremantle, WA

A case study of motivational design:
Multi-media courseware
"The Secret of Aunt Mariko"

Katsuaki SUZUKI
Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai JAPAN
National Institute for Educational Research, Tokyo JAPAN
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN


This paper reports on a project to develop a laser-disc based multimedia CAI courseware on English listening comprehension skill using a role-playing game format. It was a three-year project by RISE, an affiliate of the International Trade and Industry Ministry of Japan. The product is first briefly described in terms of its hardware, software, and courseware. Then theoretical backgrounds, especially that of motivational aspect of the courseware, will be introduced, using the ARCS motivational design model. Finally the developmental process and research activities, which were involved in the project, will be summarized.


The aim of this project was to build a shared chunk of know-how knowledge in utilizing multimedia technology to be applied in educational material development. It was sponsored by the Mechanical Social Systems Foundations, an affiliate of the International Trade and Industry Ministry of Japan, in order to form a project-based research and development team in the Foundation of Research Institute of Software Engineering (RISE). RISE was granted roughly 100 million yen, or 1.25 million Australian dollars, to conduct this three-year project including prototype development (1st year), stand-alone courseware development (2nd year), and networking (3rd year). This paper deals mainly with the project's second year, when stand-alone courseware was designed, developed, and pilot-tested.

Project members were from diverse sectors, ranging from hardware manufacturers and an entertainment software house, to a public broadcast system and university researchers. The project was chaired by the third author of this paper, and the members were divided into five research teams. The teams were Theory and Display Design Team (to where the authors of this paper belong), Storyboard Team (consisted of English Educators), Development Team (software house) , Evaluation Team I (researchers to plan and conduct evaluation studies), and Evaluation Team II (hardware manufacturers to assist conducting evaluation). Each team worked individually and cooperatively throughout the project years.

Based on the basic research concerning current research trends and technology available to develop a prototype of "new" courseware, the project decided that the goal of this effort was to make the product "appealing". By finding out why TV games are so popular and by translating the reasons into educational product, the project attempted to seek a way to keep motivation to learn to be continued. The basic elements to be incorporated into the final product were defined as interactive multimedia presentations, a role-playing game format, and an affective control mechanism.


Hardware configurations
The product "The Secret of Aunt Mariko" runs on a Macintosh (4.5MB RAM) with a video digitizing board (e.g., RasterOps 24STV) to show full-color motion pictures from a laser disc. A laser disc player (e.g., Pioneer LD-V800) is to be controlled by the Macintosh using an RS-232 cable. A pair of speakers is also required to play sounds directly from the laser disc player. With the hardware described above, full-motion video can be merged with texts and graphics created by the computer and displayed on a single color monitor screen. A mouse is used when a user makes choices.

Multimedia nature of the software
The product consists of multimedia data: live video and stereo sounds on the laser disk; digitized video and sounds in the QuickTime format, digitized sound narrations both in Japanese and in English, text data in both languages, computer graphics and still pictures. About 200 cuts of live video were filmed at University of California, Riverside, by an executive director of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, the public TV station), then stored on a single side of a 60 minute laser disc. All other data are stored on a hard disk, for which a total of 62.5MB are required.
Figure 1. Insert about here
An authoring software for multimedia presentations, Macro Mind Director, is used to control all the data mentioned above, in accordance with the flow of the program and with the choices of the user. The program to run this software looks just like the script for an ordinal CAI courseware; the difference is that not only texts and illustrations are to be selected and displayed by the program, but also other forms of multimedia chunks of data, such as clips of full-motion picture, are accessed and presented to the user.

Using the hardware and software described above, the core of this project is to plan and produce courseware, by which the contents and flows of the study materials are represented. Courseware follows a grand story to investigate the secret of Aunt Mariko by finding out the location a photo was taken. The old photo shows young Aunt Mariko standing by a river, who was studying in the United States. Depending upon the correctness of choices in the adventure, the user will see different endings (solve or falsely solve the mystery) or will not be able to see the ending at all and be forced out in the midst of the adventure (timeout).

In the quest for the secret of aunt Mariko, the user of the program has to listen to English conversations, in order to select a better answer in return. The choices consist of either 'guesses' of what was heard, or 'actions' to advance the situation. By doing so, the user is expected to develop his or her listening comprehension skill, which is the educational objective of this courseware in the cognitive sense.

For the choices based on a misunderstanding of what a character of the scene said, the program does not answer by saying "No, the correct answer is such and such". However, the program either branches to an additional happening and branches back to the original scene, or asks the user to try to listen again by re-presenting the question slower. This brings the user repetitive opportunities to listen to the same questions, with a time penalty. For those who often fail to make best choices, they will run out of time to complete required quests. Then they would be forced out from the program and must start over again from the beginning, to get repetitive chances of listening.

The second educational objective is to prevent the user from becoming bored of or feeling forced into the repetitive training of English conversation. This objective deals with the affective aspect of learning, especially with motivational concerns. It is expected that by making an English student to amateur investigator, the perceived goal of the courseware would become not to study English but to have fun of solving the Mariko's secret. Any improvement of listening comprehension skill would then become almost a byproduct of having fun with this "entertainment", where boredom is no longer the issue.

In order to come closer to the mystery of the aunt Mariko, the user of the courseware take a role of our hero Ken'ichi, who lives in a dormitory of an American university and is asked by his uncle (Mariko's husband and his financial supporter) to find out the secret in 5 days. Each day is filled up with an adventure an American college student's everyday life, such as a surprise party, a date with Sari, and making a phone call to reserve a dinner party at a Chinese restaurant. Depending on how well the user performed on the previous day, a chance to challenge for a clue to the mystery will become available, such as searching the aunt's name at the alumni association and doing an interview with whom Mariko may have been acquainted. On the final day, Ken'ichi will be told by his uncle the real reason of his asking Ken'ichi to investigate the secret, the reason being different depending on the total score of the quest, or he would be cut out the financial support if the performance were too low.


The ARCS motivational design model
The presenter (first author) of this paper was brought into the project because of his background in motivational design, particularly the use of the ARCS model originated by Keller (1983; 1984). The ARCS model of motivational design suggests four basic categories of motivational strategies: gaining and sustaining ATTENTION, establishing perceived RELEVANCE of instruction, building CONFIDENCE in succeeding the given task, and providing with SATISFACTION for the consequences of the effort put into the learning. The name of the ARCS represents these four basic categories.

Numerous strategies have been suggested in various instructional settings such as classroom activity planning, message design, textbook enhancement, and computer courseware design (Keller, 1984; Keller & Burkman, 1993; Keller & Kopp, 1987; Keller & Suzuki, 1988). The model has become well known due to its applicability to any forms of instruction, and its comprehensive structure addressing psychological research literature (Newby, 1991).

Motivational Analysis of the Product
The characteristics of the product "The secret of Aunt Mariko" have been analyzed according to the four basic categories of the ARCS model, as shown in Table 1. This summary is based on the comments from the originator of the ARCS model in September 1992 to a prototype product, with some additions from an analysis of the final product in February 1993 by the Theory Team of the project.
Table 1. Insert about here

Process of Motivational Design
It is apparent in Table 1 that many motivational strategies can be identified in all of the ARCS four categories. However, as Keller suggests, it is not the best way of motivational enhancement to adopt as many strategies as possible. In stead, inclusion of the strategies should be selective, in order to fit the motivational characteristics brought by the learner, the task, and the learning environment. The notion of systematic motivational design comes in to play an important role in this regard.

In the course of the systematic process of defining, designing, developing, and piloting an instructional material, Keller (1987) suggests 12 phases or activities of motivational design. Among these there are the three important activities; that is, audience analysis, selective adoption of motivational strategies, and formative evaluation and revision of the material.

Audience analysis refers to making a learner profile as to how appealing the instruction would be, based on the ARCS four categories. This provides a basis for the selective adoption of motivational strategies, where relative emphasis of motivational enhancement is judged to match learners' profile. For example, if the learners are expected to be anxiously waiting for the instruction, then strategies for getting Attention will be omitted because they would be unnecessary. If, on the other hand, the learners are forced to be "captive audience", then Attention strategies will be necessary to prevent the learners from thinking something else in the air.

The third of the important activities is formative evaluation and revision of instructional materials using empirical data. It should be noted that the summary of motivational characteristics shown in Table 1 is merely a theoretical observation, which suggests possible motivational effects of the product. Actual effects can only be examined with empirical data from courseware evaluation, as shown later in this paper.

Despite of the recommended procedures of motivational design described above, the motivational design in this project came into a play almost post hoc, trying to interpret the ideas formulated by the project's Development Team with expertise and experiences of producing commercially well-known TV games. Table 2 shows some observations of the design and development procedures of the project in terms of motivation design.
Table 2. Insert about here
The notion of motivation design and the ARCS model's categories and strategies did help clarifying the goal of the project and various means to that end, it was how far the contributions from this Theory Team could go in this particular case. In other words, the role of theoretical notions was more descriptive than prescriptive, not suggesting the best of the alternatives from the theory, but trying to explain, using the theory, why the experts took certain actions .


In order to see if the aims of the project were met or not, several evaluation methods were examined and conducted, mainly by the Evaluation Teams of the project. The evaluation methods included (1) questionnaires administered prior to and after the evaluation session to the participants from the target audience, (2) a protocol analysis to observe and analyze the process of using the courseware, and (3) a game-design expert interview to try to clarify the rules of judgments in the course of game design, applied to the development of this courseware.

Despite of a review of prior research studies, the project group did not feel comfortable as to how to go about conducting the evaluation. It should be noted that the methods of evaluation per se were to be examined their validity through the usage in this study. Brief descriptions of the methodologies and the results are as follows:

Pre and post session questionnaires were administered to all of the 39 participants (mostly college students) of the evaluation study. Pre-session questionnaire asked participants' biographical data, experiences of learning on computer, characteristics of the most memorable computer courseware using 17 5-point Likert scale items, and TV game experiences and impression of the most memorable TV game, with 18 Likert items. Post-session questionnaire asked English learning experiences, and reactions, opinions and feelings about the courseware "The Secret of Aunt Mariko", using a total of 81 Likert items.

Among the items concerning the English learning aspects of this courseware, two items on participants' subjective judgment of improvement of listening comprehension (both the contents and the words of narrations and questions) were rated higher than other items (such as remembering dialog patterns). A comparison between game aspects of this courseware and impression of the most memorable TV game revealed that both were rated similarly, suggesting that this courseware was considered to be one of the best "games" they ever played.

Many of the participants expressed their continuing motivation to spend more time on this courseware, to recommend this courseware to their friends, and to wish if it could be used in their schools. This verbal commitment was supported by frequent observations of voluntarily choosing to remain using the courseware after the evaluation session when they were told that they could do so.

Protocol analysis
Protocol analysis, or discourse analysis, refers to recording and categorizing learners' conversation while studying courseware (Yoden, 1991). In the process of the formative evaluation of this courseware, some of the participants were asked to use the courseware in a pair, by orally exchanging feelings and ideas before making any choices. The evaluation process was videotaped, which was to be analyzed into sentences and classified using predetermined utterance categories. The amounts of utterance in each category were compared with each other to see the kinds of mental activities frequently occurred during the learning process.

The results from an analysis of two pairs of participants indicated that (1) the operation of the courseware was clearly understood, which was judged by few conversation concerning how to proceed to the next screen; (2) the courseware was affectively stimulating, judged by frequent utterance in affective nature, such as curiosity, joyfulness, and surprises; (3) the courseware required the users to remember the contextual information to make choices, and (4) the courseware required them to concentrate on what the characters said in English, also judged by frequent conversations making sure contextual information and repeating questions in English for themselves.

This method of evaluation was adopted because it captures the process of learning, unlike the other forms of tests or questionnaires collecting information at either the entrance or the exit of leaning activities. It brought useful information in a quantitative form as to how the participants reacted to the courseware. It is noted, however, that the time consuming processes of analyzing all the utterance for over one-hour sessions and then manually categorizing them must be shortened without loosing validity of the data. It should also be noted that possibility of affecting users motivation by employing this evaluation method (i.e., to study in a pair being directed to overtly respond) deserves an attention, especially when enhancing motivation is the goal of the project .

Expert interview
The Theory Team conducted an interview with the chief engineer of Development Team, to try to extract his expertise in game design. Because it was mostly due to his expertise if the product was interesting and appealing, and because the theory could not play a prescriptive role in this project, it seemed a natural step to conduct an interview so as his decisions to be stated in as an objective form as possible. Borrowing from the method of structured interviews in the field of knowledge engineering, a three-hour interview was conducted using predetermined questions and free discussion with an access to the courseware. A part of the results from the interview is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Insert about here


This paper described a case study of motivational design applied to a development project of multimedia courseware, "The Secret of Aunt Mariko". The usefulness of the ARCS model and motivational design was demonstrated, at least in a descriptive sense. It helped to categorize motivational attributes of the courseware, which were originated from a game designer's rules of thumb, unconsciously from his own experiences in game design. The next step of project's theoretical concern is to narrow the focus of motivational enhancement, in order to position the future product in light of the ARCS four categories.

Although some innovative evaluation methodologies provided indications supporting project's success, further investigations are in order, as to how to improve evaluation process per se. We still feel uncertain how much or how little our success truly was, as well as the reason why.

As Keller (1987) has pointed out about a systematic motivational design, we should "not expect it to be completely mechanical or algorithmic; it still requires judgment and benefits from experience, intuition and creativity (p. 1-2)." It is apparent from this study that we can learn many things from joint projects with entertainment experts, if we are to make our own instruction more appealing. It can only be said at this point that investigations in motivational design are in order in various settings of educational research.


Keller, J. M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models: An overview of their current status. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, U.S.A.

Keller, J. M. (1984). The user of the ARCS model of motivation in teacher training. In K. E. Shaw (Ed.), Aspects of educational technology volume XVII: Staff development and career updating. Kogan Page, England.

Keller, J. M. (1987). The systematic process of motivational design. Performance & Instruction, 26 (9), 1 - 8.

Keller, J. M., & Burkman, E. (1993). Motivation (Chapter 1). In M. Fleming, & W. H. Levie (Eds.), Instructional message design (2nd Ed.). Educational Technology Publications, U.S.A.

Keller, J. M., & Kopp, T. (1987). Application of the ARCS model of motivational design. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional theories in action: Lessons illustrating selected theories and models. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, U.S.A.

Keller, J. M. & Suzuki, K. (1987). Use of the ARCS motivation model in courseware design (Chapter 16). In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Instructional designs for microcomputer courseware. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, U.S.A.

Newby, T. J. (1991). Classroom motivation: Strategies of first-year teachers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83 (2), 195-200.

Research Institute of Software Engineering (1993). Feasibility study report on the development of new computer assisted educational system. Report #4-F-9, Association for Promotion of Machine Systems, Japan.

Turn detective and learn English with new software. Daily Yomiuri, 1993.6.21., Japan.

Yoden, Y. (1991). Discourse analysis: An alternative approach to the evaluation of educational software. A paper presented at the 3rd Joint Conference on Educational Technology, Proceedings, 277-278, Japan.

Table 1. Motivational Analysis of "The Secret of Aunt Mariko"

(+) Novelty effect by utilizing multimedia to realize a previously unencountered learning environment
(+) Sustaining attention by presenting problems frequently
(+) Curiosity aroused by the mystery of the grand story
(+) Variability by unanticipated happening such as being called on by pizza delivery
(+) Avoiding boredom by dividing a long grand story into daily substories
(-) Technological complexity to be unrecognizable so that it can be seen as "Nothing new" or "TV without sharpness" for the users

(+) Familiarity by concrete scenes with on site filming
(+) Instrumentality by being able to listen to English conversation that leads to uncover the mystery
(+) Match to the interest of potential users by showing everyday life of studying abroad
(-) Preventing from enjoying the study process by a lengthy waiting time for accessing visuals from the videodisc

(+) Avoiding to remember failure experiences of studying English by making the learning aspect invisible
(+) Fear exclusion by providing multiple chances after a failure
(+) Anxiety reduction by offering detailed orientation on how to play the game
(+) Personal control by letting a low score user choose either to give up the quest, or to proceed with knowing that the possibility of getting murdered becomes greater
(+) Personal control of pacing by frequent interactions without long presentations of learning materials
(-) Limited personal control with not being able to decide the flow and consequences of the story
(-) No direct mechanism provided to inform user of the goal or improvement relating his/her listening comprehension skill

(+) Immediate reinforcement for the responses by providing the result at once
(+) Reward mechanism by solving mystery
(+) Multiple consequences depending upon the user's performance by having different endings for different scores

Table 2. Some observations of motivational design process of this project

(+) Novelty effect would enhance Attention.
(-) Because this project is innovative, it is difficult to anticipate users' characteristics as to which of four aspects motivates potential users.

(+) The story with many happenings would be effective focusing on sustaining Attention.
(-) Due to difficulty of defining users' characteristics and due to the fact that this project focuses on enhancing motivational characteristics of the product, it is hard to avoid overdose of motivational strategies.
(-) It is difficult to specify which of the four categories is selectively emphasized.

(+) Revisions have been made based on the inputs from within the project.
(+) Empirical data have been collected to make future revisions of the product.
(-) It is hard to judge the completeness of the final product due to the lack of existing courseware of this sort.
(-) It is possible to affect users' motivation not only by the courseware itself, but also by the characteristics of the setting of evaluation study.

Table 3. Rules of expert judgments on game design

(Screen Design)
#Use a simple display design with distinctive features stood up.
#Emphasize the critical factor of game advancement.
#Vary substories in difficulty levels, suspension factors, content seriousness, and mix them to create a rhythm.
#Show users the goal, but have deep process toward the goal.
#Have the user an experience of game over or they don't understand the critical rules of the game.
#Do not expect the user to have navigation skills in interactive environment. Train them at the outset or explain how to.

#Provide user with either regularity as in series, or novelty.
#Differentiate from other products and emphasize the difference.
#Build a concrete prototype for multimedia products to facilitate communications among members with various backgrounds
#Make a visual design first to provoke images, then do interactions.
#Use/Develop a tool to link multimedia data to computer program.
#Adjust the balance among multimedia parts, after linking them.
#Adjust the game difficulty level thoroughly during the field test.
#Check if users are dipped into the world of game, by weaving out contradictions, unnatural assumptions, unfriendly interface, etc.