A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, New Orleans,LA, U.S.A.

Applying the ARCS Model in Japan
Katsuaki Suzuki
Tohoku Gakuin University
This paper describes how the ARCS Model of motivation has been
introduced to, and accepted by, the Educational Technology research
community in Japan: From the first introduction at an annual convention
in 1987 to its recent adoption as the theoretical framework for a
multi-media courseware development project.
An intuitive acceptability was first tested by introducing the model in
a preservice teacher education course. The model was utilized to
position a newly developed CAI drill shell for verbal information
learning as a tool to go beyond the novelty of computer application in
instruction. Despite of the presentations of the results from these
studies, the model was not highly recognized. Needed were the local
research activities to be more visible, in order to show the
applicability and benefits of the model.
At the same time, however, contextual background from which the model
evolved was necessary to be conveyed for the model to be fully
appreciated. It has been shown that the adoption process can best be
interpreted not as introducing the ARCS Model per se, but as advocating
the importance of considering "appeal" of instruction as the third
outcome variable of instructional design after "effectiveness" and
Research on the ARCS Model in Japan is discussed, with a special
emphasis on the positioning and evaluation of the model in the recent
multi-media project, in order to suggest future directions of the model
adoption and needed areas of research. (250 words)

Articles/Research Papers on ARCS Model
1 Suzuki, K. (1987) Toward designing and developing Òappealing
coursewareÓ: ARCS Motivation Model and its application to CAI design. A
paper presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of
Educational Technology, Proceedings, 375-376 (J: In Japanese)
2 Suzuki, K. (1989) Research trends on instructional design models in
the United States. Japan Journal for Educational Technology, 13
3 Suzuki, K., Iwamoto, M., & Yashiro, S. (1989) Development of a
drill shell for information learning: An analysis of motivation to go
beyond novelty effect. A paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of
the Japan Association for Educational Technology, Proceedings, 183-186
4 Suzuki, K. (1991) LearnersÕ cognitive and affective processes and
instructional design: Domains of learning objectives and models for
integration. A paper presented at the 3rd Joint Conference on
Educational Technology, Proceedings, 629-632 (J)
5 Keller, J.M. & Keller, B.H. (1991) Motivating learners with
multimedia instruction. Proceedings of ICOMMET '91: International
Conference on Multi-Media in Education and Training, Tokyo, 313-316 (E:
in English)
6 Keller, J.M. (1992) Enhancing the motivation to learn: Origins and
applications of the ARCS model (Special Contribution). Reports from the
Institute of Education, Tohoku Gakuin University, 11, 45-67 (E)
7 Suzuki, K. (1992) Instructional design model research on affective
domain: The ARCS Motivational Design Model as an example. A paper
presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Study
of Audio-Visual Education, Proceedings, 31-32 (J)
8 Machida, T. (1992) Interaction and motivation in a CALL laboratory
system. A paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japan
Society for the Study of Audio-Visual Education, Proceedings, 49-50 (J)
9 Akahori, K. (1992) Instructional design. In Y. Shimizu (Ed.),
Education for information communication ara. Japanese Society of
Electoronic Information Communication. 28-56 (J)
10 Suzuki, K. (1992) ÒAppealÓ of courseware as measured by continuing
motivation. In Research Institute for Software Engineering (Ed.),
Report of a feasibility study for new computer-assisted educational
system. System Development Report #3-F-15, Association for the
Promotion of Machinary Systems, 35-39. (J)
11 Suzuki, K. (1993, January) Radio-TV education for information age
(Part II): What we can do to enhance motivation for building
information utilization skills. Broadcast Education, 47 (10). (J)
12 Suzuki, K. (in press) Enhancing motivation to learn: Lessons from
the ARCS Motivation Model. Practical Research on Educational
Technology, 107. (J)
13 Suzuki, K. (in press) Multimedia and motivation to learn. In Koyasu
& Yamada(Eds.), Children in the new media era. To be published in
1993 by Yuhikaku Publishers,Tokyo. (J)
Invited Addresses on ARCS Model
1 Suzuki, K. (1990.2.7.) Audio-visual education and motivation to
learn. An address at the Annual Meeting for audio-visual education
research division of school teachers in Sendai city (J)
2 Keller, J.M. (1991.9.17) The origin and application of ARCS
Motivation Model. An address for Lecture Series by Institute for
Educational Research, International Christian University (E: In English)
3 Keller, J.M. (1991.9.20) Enhancing motivation to learn: The ARCS
Motivation Model. A special address at the 25th Annual Meeting of
Institute for Educational Research, Tohoku Gakuin University (E with
4 Keller, J.M. (1992.7.15) Concepts and applications of the ARCS
Motivation Model. An address at a project meeting of Research Institute
for Software Engineering, Tokyo Kudan Palace (E with translation)
.5 Suzuki, K. (1992.10.9.) Audio-visual materials: Why use them? An
address at the 33rd Annual Meeting for audio-visual education research
division of high school teachers in Fukushima Prefecture (J)